Never let the economy slow you down. No matter whats going on with finances and other economic issues you can keep right on doing craft projects and continuing to have nice fashions and accessories. You just have to learn the tricks of the trade - and theyre endless. Learn not to throw most things away, and when money gets tight, youll have plenty of craft supplies. Take Pringles cans. The chip cans make the most fabulous bangle bracelets that are cheap, fast to make, and really lovely.
When you turn a Pringles can on its side and slice it you make the perfect size bangle bracelet for a woman. The hand easily slides into it yet it stays on the wrist. Use a sharp knife - not serrated - to cut sections which are two or three inches wide. Do not use sections which have the metal band from the top or bottom of the can.
Use a damp cloth to wipe out the inside of the ring. Make one type of bangle bracelet by using yarn. Wrap it around the outside of the ring, through the middle, back around the outside, and so on, to cover the entire bracelet. Use hot glue to secure the end to the inside of the band. Make something that looks totally different by using narrow ribbon to wrap the bracelet. Whether youre using yarn or ribbon you can make the entire bracelet one color or you can change colors by securing the end to the inside of the band, then attaching the end of the new color and continuing with the wrapping. Other things you can use to wrap the cardboard ring include leather sinew from a craft store or colored cord. Cord now comes in various diameters as well as assorted colors including glitter or metallic varieties. Since its so cheap you can make many bracelets for a few bucks. Create different looks for the bracelet by how you wrap it. Wrap the chosen material around the Pringles can ring for one look; add a ring of foam around the cardboard, then wrap the material around it, to create a totally different type of bracelet. After the initial wrapping is finished there are many things you can do to make each bangle bracelet look unique. Attach one, large rhinestone in the center or smaller ones all the way around. Paint a small wooden shape and mount it to the bracelet or glue on a flat novelty from a craft store. When youre finished with your new assortment of bracelets youll find yourself wearing them all the time. Youll be the only one who knows theyre made from Pringles cans because they look store-bought and beautiful. Pringles can bracelet
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