Thursday, November 22, 2012

Chopstick Hair Comb

Sure, you love eating Chinese food with chopsticks but do you really need twenty sets? Save a few sets for yourself and the family but gather up the rest of them and make a cool comb. You can make a really nice comb using few skills or tools and it will be a comb that is so unusual yet absolutely useable. Something like a hair pick, the chopstick comb is a half-moon arrangement that works as well as a pick. And, since it can be decorated in many different ways, the pick also makes a nice gift for someone you love.Decide what you want to use as the handle for the comb. It can be a piece of corrugated cardboard, fiberboard, plastic cut from a milk jug, leather, or another material. Youll cut two half-circle shapes to make each comb. Draw a line along the edge of the material; this line should be as long as you want for the width of the comb. Draw an arch to connect one end of the line to the other and to create the half-circle shape. Cut two of these; its important that they be identicalLay one of the comb pieces on a table and begin aligning chopsticks across it. If you want, paint the chopsticks before using them. Lay them so that the points of the chopsticks are hanging off of the straight edge of the comb piece. They should protrude beyond the straight edge but can be as long or short as you want. All the teeth of the comb, though, should align straight across at their points. Lay the other comb piece on top and align it with the bottom piece. Draw a line, from one end of the arch to the other, to mark where to cut the chopsticks.Cut the chopsticks using a sharp knife or small handsaw. Cut each one slightly below the drawn line. It can be helpful to number each chopstick - at the wide end - so youll know its placement on the comb. Without that step, just align the pieces, after theyre cut, so that theyre in order of how they will go on the comb.Spread strong glue all over one of the comb pieces and position the chopsticks on it. Apply glue to the second comb piece and place it on the chopsticks so that the sticks are sandwiched between them. Clamp the arrangement overnight or just set a heavy book on it.There are many things you can do to improve the look of the comb. Glue fabric onto cardboard or plastic to give it a nicer look. Attach cording around the arch and youll hide the area where the cut ends of the chopsticks are. This comb is unusual yet really handy and, when you make a pretty version of it, its can be a cherished heirloom or a nice, handmade gift.Chopstick Comb

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